Опції зарахування

Конкуренційне право та міжнародна торгівля / Competition Law & International Trade

Конкуренційне право та міжнародна торгівля / Competition Law & International Trade

The course is devoted to the study of basic knowledge of competition law of national jurisdictions and EU competition law, as well as of the competition law of Ukraine in a comparative aspect. Antitrust regulates fair competition, which can be undermined by anticompetitive actions by both private companies in the form of restrictive agreements and concerted practices or in the form of distortions of competition resulting from abuse of a dominant position and by national authorities in the form of State aid. The extraterritoriality of EU competition law causes the extension of its rules to the rule of law of third countries, and one can observe the processes of "Europeanization" of competition law in the world by borrowing EU law. Increasing globalization, trade liberalization and opening up national markets to ensure fair competition in a market economy becomes a priority not only for domestic, but also for international legal regulation.

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