Опції зарахування

Comparative Constitutional Law / Порівняльне конституційне право (1 МП англ)

Comparative Constitutional Law / Порівняльне конституційне право (1 МП англ)

Comparative Constitutional Law / Порівняльне конституційне право

The course "Comparative Constitutional Law" adapted to the needs of the profession has a significant ideological and methodological loading, introduces students to the legal status of persons in different legal systems, constitutional recognition of fundamental rights and freedoms of human and citizen, means of acquisition and termination of citizenship; with political rights of a citizen; state-building mechanism of the highest state authorities in foreign countries and in Ukraine, order of their formation, competence and interaction.

The significance of this course is also to educate students in the skills of analytical thinking, since it is largely built on the inductive method and concentrates significant scientific information obtained through subject-empirical, historical, comparative and other research.

Гості не можуть отримати доступ до цього курсу. Будь ласка, увійдіть.