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History of political and legal studies / Історія політичних та правових вчень (1 МП англ)

History of political and legal studies / Історія політичних та правових вчень (1 МП англ)

This course has a specific doctrinal and methodological load associated with knowing of the world’s history, political and legal terminology.  The course introduces students to the doctrine of the history of state and law-making, helps to understand in-depth the separation of powers for the modern states, connections between modern forms of politics and law and the historical forms of state, law and politics in the ancient world.

The significance of this course lies in fostering skills of analytical thinking, since it mainly uses an inductive method, the course concentrates significant scientific information obtained through empirical, historical, comparative and other research, as well as stimulates organizational and research skills in the field of jurisprudence.

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